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![]() All intervals | Neil Hawes Home Page |
Number of semitones adjustment | -2 | -1 | 0 | +1 |
Interval of 4th or 5th | Diminished | Perfect | Augmented | |
Interval of 2nd, 3rd, 6th or 7th | Diminished | Minor | Major | Augmented |
Num | Descriptions | Tunes to help you remember the interval | |
0 | Diminshed 2nd | Unison | (The same note, so no tune) |
1 | Minor 2nd | Semitone | I'm dreaming of a White Christmas (the whole of this phrase is minor 2nd intervals) |
2 | Major 2nd | Diminished 3rd | Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer - up and down on “Rudolph the” Happy birthday to you - 2nd and 3rd notes on “-py birth” and down again on “day” |
3 | Augmented 2nd | Minor 3rd | Greensleeves (Alas! my love) After the ball is over - up and down Star Spangled Banner (Oh! say can you see - USA National Anthem) - down |
4 | Diminished 4th | Major 3rd | Blue Danube - the first ascending interval While Shepherds watched their flocks by night |
5 | Perfect 4th | Augmented 3rd | Away in a manger Amazing Grace how sweet the sound |
6 | Augmented 4th | Diminished 5th | Mar-i-a, I just met a girl called Maria (from West Side Story) The Simp-sons - main theme of cartoon signature tune |
7 | Diminished 6th | Perfect 5th | Dear Lord and Father of mankind Twinkle, Twinkle little star - between two “twinkles” |
8 | Minor 6th | Augmented 5th | Hearts and Flowers (tear-jerker tune played at silent movies) The Entertainer (otherwise known as the theme from “The Sting”) - the first big jump up between the 3rd and 4th notes |
9 | Major 6th | Diminished 7th | Dashing though the snow (verse from Jingle Bells) Oliver (from the show Oliver) - up and down Chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken (lay a little egg for me) - up and down several times |
10 | Augmented 6th | Minor 7th | The theme from the original Star Trek (actually has the words "Beyond the rim of the starlight") |
11 | Major 7th | Climax of the theme from Superman | |
12 | Octave | Augmented 7th | Somewhere (over the rainbow - from The Wizard of Oz) |